Mask May - April Skin Mummy Mud Mask Review

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I've been wearing a mask for so long
Hindering my ability to let people see me for who I really am
It's hard to breathe behind this mask 
It's getting hot
 - The Mask, Dominic Latino

Okay, the use of a rather serious poem at the beginning of a mud mask review may seem weird, but I promise you're going to laugh when you've read my full review and go back. It'll all make sense, my children.

Let's get started!

April Skin Mummy Mud Mask. ($23.95 for a pack of 5, and you can get it here)

What Benefits It Claims It Has:
This mask claims to help remove impurities and dead skin; provides pore care without irritation; excellent adhesion; Natural minerals contained in Hawaiian clay gently soothe the skin; Mud softens facial contours; Helps with skin elasticity.

What It Feels Like Once Applied:
This is where the poem comes in. The mask wasn't sticking very well to my skin, and keep peeling off. Really, I kind of did look like a mummy because of that, but I like my masks to be muddy and weird. I think if I laid down maybe that would help, but I had emails to send and I have a tendency to drop my phone on my face if I lay down and use it. Don't judge me, only God can do that. Anyway, a friend of mine told me it would dry super hard, and it never really did that for me, so I felt kind of like I was smothering under the mask. I'll get more into that later in the post, though. It was drier at the end than it was when it was applied, but it never got crunchy and satisfying. I think I need practice in order to rectify that situation though, so we'll see.

Was It Easy To Wash Off?
This is a peel-off mask, so clean up was nice and minimal. After about half an hour of wearing the mask I was able to successfully peel it off with only a tiny bit of residue, which washed right off!

My Over-All Opinion of This Mask:
I'm very wary of the masks I use, because I don't want to overwhelm my skin. That being said, I do like this mask a lot, and fully plan on buying a full 5 pack. I love mud masks more than I do the typical run of the mill masks though, so I knew this would be a win for me. When I wear them it feels like I'm really doing some real beauty work, okay? The mask went on with a cool feel, and it really was soothing for my skin. However, like I said, it wouldn't really dry, so I'm tempted to think I did something wrong. The only place it did dry was around my nose... and when I say that I really mean that this mask tried to smother me. I couldn't breathe for a quick minute, y'all. It dried up straight over my nostrils and my life flashed before my eyes in that bathroom where I was hiding from my husband so he wouldn't see me in my shame. I love masks, but we all know that's not what we want our men to envision when they lay their head down at night. When I took the mask off, I was shiny and glowing like a sweaty little mud angel. Did it do miracles? No, but this was  my first application so only time will tell.

A tip I would share with those looking to try this mask is this: Use coconut oil on your brows and around your hairline! My brows escaped this mask intact and I have the nectar of the gods coconut oil to thank!

All in all, I give the April Skin Mummy Mud Mask a solid 8 out of 10 stars! If you've ever used this mask, please let me know in the comments below! Don't forget to share your masks with us and tag us at #BATBMASKMAY!

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