Dear Young Mama

10:12:00 PM

Dear Young Mama,

Oh, my sweet young friend, it feels like just yesterday I was in your shoes. Just a teenager, confronted with a stack of positive pregnancy tests and the realization that my life was about to change. Young Mama, when I was where you're at now, I thought I was losing everything. I thought my life was over. Little did I know, and little do you know now, this is all just the beginning.

Young Mama, you're going to be facing some tough decisions soon. You're going to need to put someone else first, even if it means redefining love and doing it on your own. You're going to be deciding how your future is going to pan out... because it all truly matters now. You'll be buying cliche books like What to Expect When You're Expecting (I hid that book behind text books and would secretly read in class). You'll be picking out names and asking yourself, "Am I setting my baby up for hardship later on with this name? Will my child be able to get a good job someday when this name is listed on his resume? Will the kids on the playground be able to rhyme this with something mean?" You'll join chat rooms, website, trackers, and your google history will look ridiculous. None of this will feel like enough to prepare you because you feel like you have no idea what you're doing.

People are going to have so many wonderful things to say to you about this new life you're carrying, Young Mama, but be wary that with the good things come a few harsh words. You will hear cruel things from people you considered friends as well as complete strangers. You're going to lose friends, because this reality is not one a lot of your friends are mature enough to handle. You will have days where you doubt yourself, but please, please Young Mama, don't let all of this get you down. Let this motivate you to be the best you can be. The whispers are temporary, and the hurt is nothing compared to the joy you're preparing inside your womb.

The big day is going to come so quickly, but your last trimester will inch by. You won't sleep, Young Mama, and everyone will be telling you to "sleep now before that baby gets here." You're scared, but you're going to be great as long as you keep in mind that you're working for the greatest gift of all. Suddenly, that gift is going to be presented to you, and you're going to know what love truly is for the first time in your life. A pure being will be in your arms, Young Mama, and it's going to hit you that you're holding a person.

I hope so fervently, Mama, that this is the moment of truth for you if you haven't already experienced it. I hope that you can put all of your love into your sweet little one. I hope that it resonates with you that you can build up a child so much easier than you can mend a broken adult. I hope you're faced with stereotypes and you break the mold. I hope people look up to you for being the hero you truly are. I want all of these things for you, because it's what you and your beautiful baby deserve.

Young Mama, your life is not over, it has merely gained more meaning. My senior year of high school I was a new mother as well, and I don't for a moment regret it. It's doable. I was still able to finish school. I still got to go to my prom. I got to sing in the school choir and I made all A's and B's the year after my child was born. I still had friends, though they were different friends than before I had him. I cultivated so many meaningful relationships the year I gave birth to my best friend, and came to so many crucial realizations that benefit me to this day. It's possible, Young Mama. Things will be tough for you, you know that by now, but this is the most worthwhile thing you are ever going to do. Those first few weeks will be a challenge, but so many beautiful experiences are yet to come. I will never in my life forget the first time my son smiled at me, his first laugh, his first words. I am and always will be his biggest fan. He's my best friend, my heart beating outside of my body. I feel myself beam with pride when he's around. I went through hardship during my pregnancy and during his young years because I, too, was a Young Mama. However, there is nothing I would ever change. Young Mama, you're going to be facing a lot, but know you are important. Know you are immensely loved. Know you serve a purpose. Know that there is always a way, and you can do this.

Young mama, I pray for you. Stay safe.

A Young Mama.

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